Versión en Español
  System of a modular ceiling created and patented by BAU S.A., U.S. Patent N° 7,536,836 May 26, 2009, that covers the supporting profiles and shores up on its four sides.
Its design permits ascertainability of each panel in an individual form, one by one. The standard supporting profile format is T 15/16” (24mm). The panels are composed of a 12 mm support of ultra light MDF, a front covered with natural wood veneer, a finishing of mattfinished UV varnish and a reverse side also covered with UV varnish.
Its patented design is anti-seismic because it shores up on its four sides. This fact also allows us to use a reduced thickness of the supports to make our ceiling around 40% lighter than alternative products that only shore up on two sides. The ceilings can be perforated with system 32, the international perforation standard, to achieve the acoustic effects desired by the project and according to your required specifications. For that purpose we use perforations in between 5 and 10 mm and a sheet of black cloth fixed to the reverse side of the wall covering. Ceilings BAU are an excellent choice if you require an ascertainable ceiling with fine and elegant terminations.

Technical specifications

Supports: MDF or PVC
Proportions: 61x61, 61x122 and 30,5x122 cm
Thickness: 12 mm
Weight / m2: 6 kg
Termination: Flat top or perforated
Gaps: 4 mm
Finishing: Mattfinished UV varnish

·Available in 9 types of wood veneer, AA quality, a sheet of white
PVC or different types of high pressure laminates (HPL)
·Uses standard metallic profiles T15/16“(24mm) or
metallic profiles 9/16´´(14mm) for Flat or Reveal Edge Lay-In Tile ceilings
·Easy to clean
·Consistent against wear of friction
·Sound insulating designs available
·100% ascertainable, one by one
·Anti-seismic, auto-extinguishing and MDF certificated LEED/FSC

  • Miramar Hotel
  • Hotel Marriott
  • Clínica Alemana
  • Hotel Marriott
  • Hotel Marriott
  • Banco BCI
  • Hotel Marriott
  • Hotel Marriott

Eco Friendly

The most imortant to us is our natural environment, all of our products and technologies are designed to support the protection of our planet.